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29.5.2024 – 8:56 | 220 zobrazení

V zenu nelze nedělat nic, tam jde o to, dělat NIC. Ale až poté, co to člověku dojde.
A mě to došlo. Asi ještě ne úplně všechno, ale dost na to, abych nečekal, že někdo něco …

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Postseason 2017 videos

Vložil dne 18.10.2017 – 5:49Žádný komentář | 195 zobrazení

Přehled postseason zápasů MLB. Pokusím se dohledat vše a udržet aktuální. Kdyby něco nefungovalo, bylo špatně nebo jsi měl chybějící odkaz, dej vědět. Díky.


Yankees 8:4 Twins

full game | highligts | condesed game


D-backs 11:8 Rockies

full game | highlights | condesed game

American League Division Series

Yankees 3-2 Indians

game 1 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 2 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 3 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 4 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 5 | full game | highlights | condesed game

American League Division Series

Astros 3-1 Red Sox

game 1 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 2 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 3 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 4 | full game | highlights | condesed game

National League Division Series

Dodgers 3-0 D-backs

game 1 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 2 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 3 | full game | highlights | condesed game

National League Division Series

Cubs 3-2 Nationals

game 1 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 2 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 3 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 4 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 5 | full game | highlights | condesed game

American League Championship Series

Yankees 3-4 Astros

game 1 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 2 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 3 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 4 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 5 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 6 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 7 | full game | highlights | condesed game

National League Championship Series

Dodgers 4 – 1 Cubs

game 1 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 2 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 3 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 4 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 5 | full game | highlights | condesed game

World Series

Dodgers 3 – 4 Astros

game 1 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 2 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 3 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 4 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 5 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 6 | full game | highlights | condesed game
game 7 | full game | highlights | condesed game

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